
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Remembering Lawrence King

What kind of sick fuck shoots some kid in the middle of class and destroys a family, ends a life and fucked up a class full of children all in one go cause he didn't like gays? I hope you fry. Fucker.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy V-Day!

Yes yes that was yesterday but I was a tad busy.

So my day started out like any other. Good and normal.
Around 10am I got this over whelming smell of gasoline inside my office. Well everyone else smelled it too. A few people started freaking out a little bit cause they thought the building would blow up or something. Whatever. I got a little dizzy but figured the smell would go away. I had a round table meeting with the client so I meet up in our bosses office to start our meeting when one of the girls I work with comes storming in and says "the fire department is here, they are evacuating the building, lets go!" So my Castle training kicks in and I start double checking that everyone is ok and showing them where to go. I run into the bathroom and grab everyone in there and we head outside. The women I work with looked a tad sick, turns out she was throwing up inside the building. NOT GOOD. I grab an EMT so they can look at her and she ends up getting tossed into an ambulance and treated for CO Poisoning.

After about 15 minutes of standing outside the site manager tells us they have opened up the other building to us as this may take up to an hour before the fire department will let us back in. So everyone starts heading over, I am only a little dizzy and was honestly trying to take care of everyone else.

By this point there are like six fire trucks, four ambulances and a has mat team. Awesome! Oh and the news and of course someone is talking to them when frankly they are not supposed too. That would be breaking number 1 rule of "work". NEVER EVER EVER talk to the media. Yeah...she got fired. Anyways we went to the next building, I sat down and got REALLY sick. They sent me back to the site and all the ambulances where gone. They shoved me in a fire truck and put my on oxygen, and kept testing my finger for something. I heard something about my CO levels being way to high. So the EMTs get there and grab me, I get put on a gerny and strapped in, and being a person who has never had this happen before, oh god i was scared. So I am laying there, I cant move, I have a big plastic thing stuck on my face feeding me air and the world wont stop spinning. And the entire time Stacie looks freaked out that I am having this happen to me. They place me inside the ambulance and start asking me all these questions to make sure I am okay. There is some chick sitting next to me for the same thing, I just guess I was worse off. After like ten minutes or so they close the door and we are on our way. At this point I have had three separate oxygen machines on me.

Once I was inside this said ambulance I was really freaking out, never been in one before and now I cant move and am hooked up to a bunch of stuff. I was trying to talk to the EMT to calm down, it worked a bit. I think. Once we got to LDS Hospital I saw a basketball hoop on there wall next to the ER. I actually said "Hey you guys have a basketball hoop! Just like on scrubs!"


So I get sat in an ER room thing, lay down and they do all the normal stuff they do when treating someone. They drew blood from my vein, took like five vials. They had to run five separate tests. Needles suck. By the way this guy drawing my blood says "move your hand really big, like your embracing the force." yeah, geek. So he ties the rubber thing around my arm really tight and it hurts like a SOB he than says "oh crap I forgot the needle I will be right back."....WTF!!!!??? ow! He saw all my "suddle" pride stuff and was getting all weird on me. He asks me if I am ok, I tell him my feet are cold, he runs off than comes back with blue slippers, and actually takes of my shoes and socks than puts them on. Weirdo. Later, this chick walks in and says she needs blood. I told her some was just taken and she says "no from your artery. And I am not going to lie, this is going to hurt. A lot." Great. So she stabs me (with good warning) and can't find anything, which means she has to stab my other arm. yay. So I got the REALLY painful part twice. I cried. So painful. Anywho, have a little bit they released me and told me all the CO had gone away. After three hours of being on the oxygen. They send me home. "work" send a cab to pick me up and pays for it. Than sends me home with full pay. Hoping I am not gonna sue. All I have to say is yay workmens comp!

So basically, I had CO poisoning. Scary shit.

So once I was home I slept for a while, watched the news and talked to Koala.

Later that night, my girl and I went out to TGIFridays for dinner and saw Fools Gold, very cute movie. My arms are killing me...

On a much lighter note...

Humorous Pictures
moar humorous pics

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Thumpa thumpa will never stop...

Or so they say? Let's hope so... I sometimes fear Utah will never come around. It will always be this state full of fear and hate. Well, thank god Utah has a nice underground scene, the thumpa thumpa is strong here, just not as strong as other places. But one day the minority will uprise and all those right winged hateful people will worry. I relay on the fact the while Utah is a right winged state, we are also lazy or at lest the Republicans are. I'm counting on it really.

SLC's domestic partners registry targeted by Senate panel

By Derek P. Jensen
The Salt Lake Tribune

Ralph Becker was politic, patient and polite.
That proved no match for a Senate panel whose members argued that the new Salt Lake City mayor's domestic-partnership registry is "repugnant" and advances "the homosexual agenda."
By a 4-0 vote Monday, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee agreed to send SB267 to the full Senate for consideration. Sponsored by Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, the bill would block Becker's newly approved registry - and perhaps the capital's 2006 adult-designee ordinance - for fear it would fracture the foundation of marriage.
"This is nothing but an open checkbook," said Buttars, who argued the "repugnant" registry "attempts to define a class, and therefore, it don't fit."
"Some people may disagree with me, but since America was born, marriage is the cornerstone."
Passed unanimously by the City Council, the registry would serve as a tool for private-sector employers when determining whether to issue insurance benefits to domestic partners.
But much of Monday's testimony - opponents ranged from Eagle Forum head Gayle Ruzicka to former GOP lawmaker LaVar Christensen and former U.S. Rep. Merrill Cook - panned the registry for its perceived violation of Amendment 3, Utah's constitutional ban on gay marriage and domestic unions.

That incensed openly gay Sen. Scott McCoy, D-Salt Lake City, who called the criticism "inane and small-minded."
"It's not justified, it's not fair, it's fear based," said McCoy, who attended the debate but missed the vote while presenting another bill. "They think Amendment 3 was a referendum on anything gay and it wasn't. And it shouldn't be interpreted that way."
But it was, particularly by Amendment 3 author Christensen, who helped present Buttars' bill as a representative of Citizens for Principled Government.
Christensen said Amendment 3 deliberately outlaws synonyms or substitutes that "approximate marriage." And he alleged that registry supporters have "a broader agenda" than securing health benefits or visitation rights - which never have been threatened, according to SB267 backers.
Tell that to Cristy Gleave, a lesbian mother who told the committee she was not immediately allowed to see her partner at LDS Hospital after a serious car accident.
That did not sway Buttars, who equated the registry certificate with marriage papers. But City Attorney Ed Rutan rejected the comparison, saying there is "absolutely nothing" in the language that violates Utah's marriage law.
"Nobody in the city is ever going to say, 'I now pronounce you domestic partners,' " Rutan said.
Becker conceded the Legislature could overrule the city but said that would be a "big mistake," given the council's unanimous nod.
"We are operating well within Utah law, and we are trying to do only what is best for our residents," said Becker, who later vowed to battle the bill to the end. "This is a clear example to me of a state trying to override the clear desires of a community."
Becker's soft but stern statement - a sharp contrast to predecessor Rocky Anderson's vitriol - failed to win any converts.
"This issue, as I see it, of forwarding the homosexual agenda, goes against my party's beliefs and my own personal beliefs," declared Sen. Allen Christensen, R-North Ogden.
And Riverton Mayor Bill Applegarth, who supports Buttars' bill, worries that Salt Lake City's registry would spread to the suburbs.
Despite a substitute version of SB267, Becker and Rutan fear the measure also could kill the city's adult-designee ordinance, which provides health-care benefits for adult designees of city employees. Becker noted 78 percent of the beneficiaries are opposite-sex partners.
Two sets of family members who use that benefit attended Monday's hearing but were not permitted to speak.
After the hearing, Melanie Schertz, who insures her ailing mother under the provision, said the Legislature should refrain from defining a "family."
"If they're going after this because a few gay people get benefits," she said, "they're not seeing the whole picture."
Andrea Curtis and her 74-year-old mother, Jean, provided proof as they exited the hearing, slightly shell-shocked.
Mumbled Jean Curtis: "I'm not getting any younger."

So here we go again. The very thought of a homosexual having a right in Utah makes half the state sick. Human rights has never been something everyone just had, it's been baby steps. The bully's of the world are full of fear and are narrow minded, and because of that people like me get the shaft. Frankly, I am okay with the term "domestic partnership", marriage has always been to me a spiritual thing and thus the government has no right being in it. Let the homophobia run strong in Utah!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fat Tuesday

Barack Obama won the Democratic vote and Mitt Romney won for the Republican vote in Utah. All I have to say about Mitt is shocker. The boy won't win of coarse. Than again I pray to god a Republican doesn't win this go around. We need something new.

Romney wins Utah GOP primary; Obama takes Democratic vote

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won 36 delegates in a winner-take-all sweep of Utah, while Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primary.

Romney, a Mormon like more than 60 percent of Utah residents, had been expected to win in Utah, adding to his primary win in Massachusetts, where he served as governor.

Obama, an Illinois senator, held a commanding lead with the state's Democratic primary voters. Utah Democrats split their delegates by the popular vote.

The Associated Press made its call based on surveys of voters as they left the polls.

Romney is a favorite adopted son in Utah. He was chief of the Salt Lake Olympics in 2002 and owns a vacation home at Park City's Deer Valley resort.

In Utah, Romney found favor with GOP voters who said the economy and immigration were their main concerns, according to exit polls conducted for The Associated Press.

"It's always great when the people who know you best support you," said Josh Romney, 32, one of the candidate's five sons, who lives in Salt Lake City and works for a real-estate development firm.

Obama had an edge with male voters in Utah, while women appeared evenly divided between him and Clinton, a New York senator.

Voters who described themselves as independents were more than twice as likely to vote for Obama, the survey found.

"There's something going on with Obama," said Utah Democratic Party spokesman Bill Keshlear, describing Obama's appeal.

"It has to do with his youth, his message of hope and enthusiasm. Part of it is generational. A lot of people his age and younger who grew up with hip-hop culture are comfortable with an African-American as president," he said.

Because of Romney's overwhelming support among Utah Republicans and their winner-take-all primary, Arizona Sen. McCain's campaign and that of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee have been all but absent in Utah.

Romney, by contrast, has made several fundraising appearances and ran television commercials here. He raised $5.2 million last year for his presidential campaign in Utah, making it his second-highest yielding state after California, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

For Jamelle Chadwick, a stay-at-home mother in Sandy, Utah, Romney's Mormonism made the difference.

"The standards are important in leadership, like integrity, honesty and hard work," she said, adding that Romney's experience is another plus. "He knows how to solve problems."

Monday, February 4, 2008

I heart ebay

I now have my very own copy of Rob's Party Mix! All I have to say is hell yeah.