Ok - Long post about everything Cloverfield and spoilers, however it might explain some stuff and show you the true depth of the marketing they did. I mean there still not done with the viral marketing and the movies been out for a few days. It's awesome.
So lets start with the first site 1-18-08.com
This site came out last Summer when the teaser trailer
was introduced for "Transformers" It had a few pictures on it all dated "1-18-08" two of them showed a party while one showed some guy holding food and the rest showed pictures of destruction. It's all flash stuff. If you can bring the non "doom" type pictures to the top of the stack, hold your mouse down and "shake" th
e picture, they will flip over to show writing on the back. A lot of these pictures are not only dated, but have times on them to show the order of the events.
On roughly 1-14-08 a picture of a few sinking ships. There is smoke poring out and part of it is pixlated, my guess on purpose. The next day another picture was posted in "night vision" of the ships and what looks like planes bombing something. Now if this is true, than SOMEONE knew about the monster before it attacked NYC as the pictures that are not dated are all real time (In theory). The next day from this yet another picture was posted of what seems to be a fishermen or something in a small boat, the water all around him is a dark red. Maybe they killed a second monster? Or maybe its just damn tough. On 1-18-08 yet another picture was posted of a beach with what looks like marine animals (or whats left of them.)In one of the original images it shows the main charecters Rob and Hud with
a girl named Jamie Lascano who has a viral tie in website
JamieandTeddy.com (password: jllovesth)
There are 11 videos (as of 11-21-08) if you start from 1 it pretty much tells a story of this girls boyfriend Teddy, who is working for a company called Tagruato Corp, which is a drilling company and gives off a "Umbrella Corp." feel. Anyways, the videos don't tell a whole lot till about the 3rd or 4th in which Teddy sends Jamie a package which she can't open until December 9th, which was the day that the title of the movie was released along with a longer trailer.
After a few videos of her basically going "I hate you! you never call" she opens the package early to find a Slusho! hat, a sample of Seabed's Nectar which reads "DO NOT EAT", and message from Teddy which says:
Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, TAG-RU-ATO. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy.. he will explain [Jamie stops tape]
She gets all pissy and assumes he is lying and cheating. The common viewer gets that something has gone or is going very wrong.
Slusho, is a sub-company of Tagruato.
In video 6, Jamie calls Tagruato asking for Teddy, they have never heard of him.
In video 8, Jamie opens the packge of Seabeds Nectar, sniff it and makes the comment
"Wow, definitely opens my sinuses, that's for sure"
she than taste it,
"Tastes pretty good...Woah, what is this stuff that you sent me? I feel great, I'm gonna go out..."
In videos 9 and 10 she just goes off about hating him. 9 seems a bit more "hyper" which could be from the Nectar but I am unsure.
In video 11, which was released on 1-18-08 it shows her all dressed up. She says:
"I love you haha, I am finally over you and you know what, I feel like a whole new woman and it’s like it’s gonna be the first night of the rest of my life and and Lily is putting this thing together, and I’m gonna go to it and I don’t know why I just soo like I’m like uh the happiest the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life and I don’t know I have like MASSIVE amounts of energy I’m gonna have MASSIVE amounts of sex with Schneider and it’s just gonna be great and I just think you should say goodbye to these breast (kisses breasts) cause you’re never gonna see them again and look here (slaps butt) I think you’re pathetic."
This is assuming after her eating more of the Nectar, the charecter "Lilly" is the same person who throws a surprise party for Rob, which is the same party. She is wearing the same dress in this video as she is in the picture on 1-18-08.com, and in the movie it self. At some point the charecter "Hud" is walking around the party filming stuff and shows Jamie, in the same dress passed out on the couch.
She also has a myspace: http://www.myspace.com/jamielascano
Next up is the company known as Tagruato Corp, a drilling company owned by Ganu Yoshida. http://www.tagruato.jp/, a viral tie in site as well. On 1-18-08 the site went "down for matance" a mirror site can be found here:
-UPDATE- On 1-23-08 This site went back up.
So the site pretty much says they are this awesome drilling company with like 18 locations of something. With a slogan of "Exploring Our World, Ensuring Our Future" you would think there saving lives or something.
Ganus mother was a big fan of making many different flavors of drinks and what not. Was her life dream, when in search for the best ingredient well she never came back, so bummer. The son left this drink Company to his cushion and founded the drilling company. At some point during all this drilling he finds the Nectar that he tasted (god only knows why) and had a dream later basically saying this was the ingredient that would make your moms dreams come true. He goes back to his cushion and Slusho! is born.
There motto is "you can't drink just six" so if we take into account what it did to Jamie in the videos my guess is it does something to the human body and makes them freak out. And guess who is going to be the Vice President of Slusho!? ROB!!! The main charecter for the movie, or at lest thats the theory.
There is also a site called http://www.tidowave.com/, which on 1-18-08 was shut down. Its just a picture at this point, I do not have a mirror site for this one. Anyways, this site is like the "anti Tagruato Corp" site they talk about them distorting mother earth, harming animals and blah blah. There is a post on the site talking about the Seabed's Nectar not being FDA approved, even though the Tagruato site has a blog post saying it is, which is not on the mirror site.
-UPDATE- On 1-23-08 This site went back up.
"Yoshida Brings Happy Flavor to Big Apple Ganu Yoshida left with much fanfare today as he boarded his private Tagruato jet that will fly him directly to New York city in the United States. He will be meeting with acclaimed CEO Glen Warner, owner of BevVo, the largest privatized water manufacturer in the world. "Glen has many ideas for distributing Slusho! through pre-established public waterways," said Yoshida, "I wanted to come here myself to discover them."
Yoshida will spend four days in New York before continuing across the United States on a tour of potential Slusho! manufacturing plants."
There is another post about a Tagruato drilling site blowing up and killing everyone on site off what I think is the west cost, near America. Called the Chuai Station. On 1-18-08.com is picture of men running away from why looks like the drilling site. This picture was added on roughly 1-7-08
A post from TidoWave.com:
"Do NOT return to The Farm. It’s crawling with agents on Tagruato’s payroll.
It’s a set up!!! All of our members know our goals and motivations are preservation of Mother Earth - NOT mass murder!!! Granted, we’re not upset that Tagruato has one fewer “death station”, but we would NEVER kill to accomplish our goals. This is yet another crime on humanity that Tagruato is trying to push off on the innocent.
And let me be clear: we will not stop until we find our missing brothers and sisters. We can’t give up hope.
Wait for Janice’s picture. Then you’ll know where to meet us. Tagruato’s lies will not go unpunished this time. Something happened to our comrades – and that station - and we’re going to find out - even if we have to go all the way to the top!!!"
So what I think happened is either they where drilling and disturbed some creature that has been sleeping for a long ass time. Or Tagruato blew the station up for some reason. I think they might have been drilling for the Nectar, but I also think they where drilling for the "Nectar" or in other words, told everyone thats what they where doing when they where really doing something else all together. Either situation can support that they disturbed the monster. Maybe the Nectar was its food? Or maybe the Nectar is its "sperm" or something like that. Point is more something went really wrong there and Tagruato blamed TidoWave, weather cause they honestly thought they did, or they where covering something up. Slusho! has been connected to Hereos and other JJ related shows.:http://cloverfieldclues.blogspot.com/search/label/Heroes
*Slusho also has a big factory in New York, as according to the Tagruato website, they had recently established the ablitly to sell in the U.S.
*People who had registered at the Slusho! website received e-mails of fictional Sonar images prior to the film's release that showed a deep-sea creature heading toward Manhattan.
*There is also an article the talks about a member of the Slusho! team being fired for research in genetic manipulation of Australian Aphynos
So my buddy googled the fish and came up with this:
If you have seen the movie, you would know the monster looks very close to that. But I have no idea exactly how it ties into everything.
If you where checking MySpace you could see plenty of advertisements of "Robs surprise party" excursively for MySpacers. So pretty much they held a party with the charecters and I mean the charecters not the actors, for a surpsie party to wish Rob well off to Japan like in the movie. The exact details of the party are scetchy but I do know they gave out a Rob's Party mix cd for the attendees. Good luck finding it for less than 80 bucks.
The charecters also ALL have there own MySpace, check out these updates on 1-18-08: (you can get to all of these from Jamies MySpace which is linked on the top of the page.)
HUD to ROB - Jan 18 2008 4:03 PM hey man. do you have any like, plans for tonight? cuz I was thinking of watching the complete 7th season of buffy, if you're in
ROB to HUD - Jan 18 2008 4:08 PM That sounds awesome, actually. However, Grimes randomly invited me to see My Fair Lady, he got some free tickets or something. What time are you starting?
HUD to ROB - Jan 18 2008 4:13 PM Time is an illusion, Rob. Lunchtime doubly so.
JAMIE blog post - Jan 18 2008 4:13 PM - Current mood: energetic SOMEONE is seeing me naked tonight - and his name won't be Teddy. Tonight is all about me having fun as a free, single, sexy young woman. This is the start of a new era, I can feel it.
LILY blog post - January 18, 2008 4:35 PM - Current mood: stressed DOES ANYONE HAVE AN ICE BUCKET!?!? - Ahhhhihateboystheyarelazyanddon'thelpahhhhh!
BETH to LIL - Jan 18 2008 4:39 PM Alright, I think I'm still gonna come. I might be late, though.
If you surf all of there MySpaces you will see blog posts, comments and photo comments that help tell the story and round out the charecters as "people".
At the end of the movie it shows Beth and Rob at Concy Island two weeks earlyer. In the background shows something falling into the water, this has some connection to the monster, what we don't yet know.
At the end of the credits you hear Rob whisper what was rumored to "Help us, it's still alive." Or maybe "Help us" and played backward is "its still alive." My thought is Rob says "Help Us" and than you hear a radio transmission of some guy saying "It's still alive." Or maybe Rob is saying "Help Us, I'm/We're Still Alive." Now that be a whole new level of hell.
So all in all everything connects. You can determine how exactly.
At this point you find your self in theory. And lots of it.
Here is one:
The man who did the experiments on the fish was caught and fired, the fish was just tossed back into the sea and ended up at the location was the drilling site which later sinks. The stuff they are drilling, nectar for Slusho is what this animal feeds off of, a few years later it turns into this super evil monster of doom.
It comes to New York to history the Slusho factory cause it has the Nectar.
If you sit and toss around in cloverfieldclues.com you will find tons and tons of stuff. A lot of it saying the drill company and Slusho is very evil.
And there is stuff connecting all the charecters to the various companys. Frankly, I don't think all the information has been released yet, or at lest it hasent been figured out yet.
I am damn sure the drilling peeps have something to do with it, something very important.
Maybe there is more to come maybe there is not. Who knows.
But I am damn sure there is more.