I got an IM today asking from a good friend if I had seen the new Transformers 2 movie display. I said no at he sent me
this. Me being excited does not quite cover it. I loved the last one and actually got to see it a day early. How sweet is that? And Transformers started my love of Clvoerfield. Despite peoples hate for Micheal Bay. I think while he is not a great directer he makes a great blow em up movie.

So if you look at the uber spiffy picture to the left you will see the Decepticon logo with the fist instead of the Autobots. Hmm ponder we say? The picture on the right shows the count down movie display from Transformers 1. One the back of the hand is the Autobots logo and on what I assume is a bomb is the Decepticon logo. I am working on finding more detailed pictures, but for now this is all I have.