So today is my last day working for MSAP, I start a new job on Monday that hopfully will give me plenty of job opportunities, MS is so tight with their money that we don't even have a team lead. We are a self running office but the team lead is needed for some things (paid time off, etc), well the person we've been going too for these things is a few tiers above where we SHOULD be going for these things, in other words; people are doubling up jobs. Money is tight, I understand that. So with the advice of the person doing things tiers above her job, i'm moving to a new office that is much bigger than the one I am in now.
I start Monday with a shift an hour earlier than I am doing now. :P I am

already tired all the time, I do not see this helping. However, I am getting off of work earlier as well, I may be able to fit naps in. YAY naps. I am not 100% the new companies policy on me talking about my job, so for now I won't say much but I can tell you I am working for just as much of a "the man" than I did before.
I walked into work today to find a six pack of Transformers cupcake and a "You'll Be Missed" tiny ballon, this made me really happy. I know the gifts came from just one co-worker, the one I'll miss. Well, I'll miss the "advicer" I spoke of earlier, but I think of her as more of a superior. (cause you know, she is) I had a blue cupcake, yeah it dyed my tongue. made me feel like a kid again!
On another note: I've been fighting off a nasty little cold (as has my chicka) so nothings been getting done. So tonight, I have to help watch a four year old while doing two weeks worth of cleaning, yay!